Thursday, April 01, 2010

Now that the Health Care Bill is Passed We can Finally See It

That Nancy Pelosi, she's a sharp one, and she got what she wanted. All Congress needed to do was to pass the health care bill, then the American people would be able to see what is in it without all the inconvenience of...well, scrutiny, analysis, critique. And now it's done. So what did we get, and what was the reason to pass the bill? Let's see what some of the senators had to say:

Well, old, drunk Senator Max Baucus has admitted that the health care bill is a redistribution scheme. Of course, the bill is necessary because of the "maldistribution" of income. "The wealthy are getting way, way too wealthy..." I say, thank goodness we have Max Baucus to tell us that those who work hard for their wealth don't get to keep it.

And Congressman John Dingell, what did he have to say?

Control the people is what he said. Control? Excuse me? What gives this old man the right to think that the government is supposed to control it's people? I thought our government stood for freedom. Does he think that the American people are just going to sit around and accept it?

So it's redistribution and control, eh? I am almost sure that health care is listed in that bill somewhere.


How can she say this with a straight face? This imperious little woman has to be voted out of office.

Well, before the vote, I called senators and congressmen, I emailed them too, and I even sent in a little money to opposition, and still congress voted for the bill. Oh well, more work is yet to come.

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