Friday, July 03, 2009

Racism Aeterna

I don't think racism will ever go away. Oh, it's not what you think; I believe that as a whole, America has largely erased its taint of slavery and racial discrimination. Of course, since I'm not black, there are those (liberals) who will say that I'm not allowed to have this opinion because I haven't "walked a mile" in the black person's shoes. Since these same people (liberals) deride conservative blacks (e.g. Justice Clarence Thomas, Dr. Walter Williams, Dr. Thomas Sowell) for saying similar things, I'm in a no win situation, so what do I care.

Obama's election to the most powerful office in the world should have confirmed America's transcendence of its racist past, but not to the liberal mind. As I listen to talk radio shows (yes, they are conservative talk shows), I often hear callers complaining that the criticism of Obama stems from the fact that he is a black man. Never mind that the Obama administration policies are introducing oppressive taxes in order to achieve "fairness". So the excuse is that if Obama fails as president it will be because he is black and wasn't given a chance.

When will the liberal lovers of racism be satisfied?

Apart from Obama there is justice Sonia Sotomayor, another race opportunist. Her comment that a wise Latina could make better decisions than a white male who doesn't have the Latina's rich experiences has a hint of racism itself, no? Of course, white males never have rich experiences, do they? What rich experiences what she talking about, the experience of making tortillas (isn't that what Latinas do), of raising large families (all white people have nannies and such to take care of their kids), of personal tragedy (no relative of a white person gets murdered or killed in a traffic accident)? I'm not clear on this.

Here's a shocker: when it comes to arriving at judicial rulings, I'd like to have a judge with a proven rich experience of reading comprehension and of understanding the Constitution of the United States.

And Sotomayor's decision in the Connecticut firefighters case; just because the black firefighters were not immediately eligible for promotion based on test results, does that invalidate the test? Oh yeah, I know, "disparate impact" and all that, sure, that needs to be considered. But should a black firefighter not have to know hose pressures and the behavior of combustible materials just like the white (and Hispanic) firefighters? When do standards apply? Whose "rich experiences" are implying that the test just might be to hard for the black man? Huh, whose?

Let me ask one more thing at the risk of being thought the worst kind of "racist" (but, heck, anyone who believes in standards is at risk of that term): Could it be that the black firefighters just didn't study hard enough?

If that's the case why didn't they think they had to?

Racism won't go away. Liberals won't allow it to leave. It gets them what they want and provides them with an eternal excuse.