Saturday, September 12, 2009

Well, It's Proven: Big Industry caused Global Warming

First, I have to admit I'm not a very good blogger. I usually let something seethe and ferment in my mind for days or weeks before writing my opinions. By then, the moment is passed. Okay, I've said it. Now I can go on.

A couple of weeks ago, I read an article online in either the San Francisco Chronicle or the NY Times about some research that showed global warming directly correlated to the Industrial Age in the 1850s. Something to do with measuring industrial age pollution against the rise in temperature - at least whatever this researcher considered the appropriate period to monitor for temperature changes.

So there you have it: cum hoc ergo propter hoc. From the first firing of the steam engine, big business doomed us.

Tut, tut, shhh...nothing else matters. The argument is over.

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