Friday, July 18, 2008

Terrorists and Brownshirts

I really don't want Barack Obama to be president. That prospect fills me with dread. I've heard and seen his audio and video clips, even sections of his biography book on tape. I've heard about his association with the fiery Reverend Wright and the former member of the Weather Underground, William Ayers. His given reason to increase taxes on wealthy people causes me to shake my head in open-mouthed disbelief, and his most recent statement that the United States needs, not just a military force, but a civilian law enforcement force to complement the military scares the bejeebers out of me.

Obama listened for 20 years to Reverend J. Wright spouting his angry diatribes against the United States and whites. Don't tell me Obama hasn't bought into some, or all, of that. And accepting support - of whatever nature - from a man who to this day regrets that he didn't do enough destruction to America through domestic terrorist activities. Doesn't the old adage, "By your friends you shall be known," apply here? I don't care what he says, the fact that he has gravitated toward these people and accepted their friendship and support shows me that he has likely been significantly influenced by their views.

I realize that racism and discrimination against blacks was, and is, a terrible thing and should not be allowed to exist. But I can't even consider voting for a man whose significant influential figure is a preacher whose intimations cause me to think that a country run by Obama will enable the we're-gonna-get-whitey crowd. With respect to Mr. Ayers, the safety of the people of our nation demands that terrorists - even one whose heyday is passed - should not be allowed access to the highest office in the land.

More recently, and more frighteningly was the content of Obama's July 18, 2008 speech in Colorado Springs. He declared that the United States needs a civilian force as well funded as the military in order to ensure our national security:

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

Yeah, that really scares the heck out of me. Obama wants to add a national security force? Can you say KGB (Soviet Union), Brownshirts (Germany), MSVN (the Tontons Macoute of Haiti)? What does he want, his own group of agents accountable to him only? That bothers me.

Obama is a danger to the country - yes, a danger - based on the influences and thinking he would allow into the office of President.

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