Monday, December 28, 2009

The System, The System Failed...Potentially

So DHS Secretary, Janet Napolitano, is confident that the "system worked" in foiling the terrorist's plan to blow up a Northwest Airline jet bound for the United States. At least that was her initial reaction. I guess she thought the better of it before she went on television to claim that the system failed, since a working system - in her estimation - is one that allows a terrorist to board a jet then hopes that the bomb he carried on board doesn't go off as planned.

But was it really a terrorist attack? Maybe not. According to White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, this was only a "potential" attack. a car crash where no one is hurt only a "potential" car crash? It looks like, using Gibbs' new definition, it's only an attack if someone is hurt or killed. It's only a matter of time until Gibbs makes fun of those who dare to criticize the policies of The One.

Is it time, now, to start really looking for the terrorists in our midst instead of hoping that banning Arrowhead water and small bottles of Clairol hair product will keep them out? Isn't it time to tell the whining CAIR, those redoubtable soldiers of Allah, to get ready for some serious profiling?

Do you think Mr. Hope-and-Change has the stones?